May 26, 2018

My Dad visited me for the first time at the Ronald McDonald House today. The Ronald McDonald house is a housing facility near the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. I have to stay here 3 months before I can go back home. Unfortunately, I can’t spend the day with him because Ray is visiting me today.

Ray is coming here today. I know this isn’t easy for him because Palo Alto is 40 minutes away from Pleasanton and this week at school is finals week.

Ray is great friend. He’s supported me when I missed tons of school. I texted him the day of my heart transplant (April 27, 2018). He wanted to visit me in the hospital, but I told him no because I was feeling awful (May 4, 2018). Now that I’m out of the hospital I’m better.

There’s a mall across the Ronald McDonald House. Today is my first day exploring that The Stanford Mall. The Stanford Mall is also an outdoor mall so I have to be careful and stay in the shade. After transplant, I’m more vulnerable to skin cancer.

Palo Alto is a rich city. Actually, any city in Silicon Valley is a rich city. I expect everything at the Stanford Mall to be super expensive considering: it’s in Palo Alto & it’s in Stanford. Turns out all of the prices were the same as my own hometown, Pleasanton.

My FitBit told me I walked 10,000 steps today. Woah.

In the hospital I could barely walk 10 feet without taking a break. The reason is my heart goes crazy whenever take a step. While walking and talking with Ray, I must’ve ignored my heart. That’s awesome!

I’m not even a month after my heart transplant, and I walked 10,000 steps!

When Ray left, my Dad and I went to Downtown Palo Alto to eat.

This is also my first time exploring Downtown Palo Alto. Downtown Palo Alto is a lot nicer than Downtown Pleasanton.

At Downtown Palo Alto I ate dinner with dad at ramen restaurant. Sushi used to be my favorite food, but I’m not allowed to eat raw food. Forever.

After eating, my heart pounding decided to show up. For a good 40 minutes after eating my heart was beating out of my chest. I didn’t want to stand up or walk. I hate my heart pounding.